Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Military flew surveillance aircraft over convoy, contrary to orders


Canada freedom convoy Ottawa military surveillance aircraft cover-up denial unaccountability fascism mandates

The Canadian military flew surveillance planes over Freedom Convoy protests in Ottawa this February, skirting an official directive that it was not to do so.

A Jan. 27 directive by the Department of National Defence (DND) stated that Canadian Armed Forces equipment and personnel were to avoid the protest and that Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) planes were not to fly in the airspace directly above the demonstrations. 

In an apparent effort to get around the rules, military leaders reportedly used a private defence contractor’s military plane to conduct operations. 

“The amplifications provided by the RCAF through this directive did not apply to these training activities, which were contracted outside of the RCAF,” said National Defence Spokesperson Dan Le Bouthillier. 

“(The directive) was issued to reduce the risk of generating a false perception of CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) activities, personnel and presence being associated with the domestic event at the time.”  (more...)

Military flew surveillance aircraft over convoy, contrary to orders

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