Monday, February 5, 2018

The Conservative March to Nazification and Anti-Christianity

The following video gives an accurate view of the deterioration of pro-life, pro-family, and Christian political action in the past decade. The purge of the intellectual foundation set in place by the founders a generation ago is nearly complete. Review current "conservative" media, and you will be hard put to find anything resembling the ideas that launched these movements in the 1980s.

A generation raised on Hogan's Heros reruns:

nazi fascism immigration politics modernism eugenics media millennials conservatism

It certainly didn't start with the millennials. We've been brainwashed for many generations:

nazi fascism immigration politics modernism eugenics media millennials conservatism

Welcome to the new regime. Same as the old regime.


  1. Sadly the man in the video ,complaining about the "alt-right" is himself completely imbued with secularism. Turned it off after he started spewing profanities. Obviously, the "alt right" are not going to incommoded by a vulgarian like this. Sad to see a "Catholic" using profanities with a Rosary on the wall behind him. But this is to be totally expected: "alt right", "alt left", "alt centre" -- all of them are totally secular, non-Christian and imbued with liberalism.

  2. Those who can remember the virtues and principles of the early pro-life and pro-family movement are all pretty dismayed at where it has all led. And, it's not only the kids who have become vulgarians. The political leadership of the "conservative" parties have shown themselves to be a sordid and depraved club. I knew the staff of Catholic Insight and others who mercilessly purged by the new regime. There are things I know, privately, about how Fr. de Valk was undermined and driven away. I no longer affirm or legitimize that movement. And, I fear for young people who are lured into its errors.

  3. Completely agreed. One must also begin to question whether a number of these people really approached this from a Faith-filled view, or had they reduced religion to "politics". The sad, pathetic, delusional life that Faith Goldy presents, is a case in point. Would our persecuted brothers and sisters in the Middle East (for example) see her as a Christian role model? I mention her, not to single her out per se, but to try to alert people to the fact that our civilization has degenerated so badly, that a person can masquerade as Christian ( I say this only because she herself makes a huge point of it), when a few years ago she would have been shunned as a neo-pagan and vulgarian. Her conduct is more befitting a tart, than, to use her own words, a woman "For Christ the King and Country". She would do better to re-examine her relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ and get off social media, which has become a grave danger to her salvation.
