Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Pink Swastika as Holocaust Revisionist History

The greatest sacrilege to the millions of innocent infant and aged Nazi victims,
would be allow these dead to be exploited as political fodder to re-arm the same
ideologues who ushered in Germany’s “final solution.”

Under the banner of The Pink Triangle (a Nazi symbol for incarcerated homosexuals), a mass media campaign by the major broadcasters, press, educators and now by the legal system, has been awarding Nazi victim status to homosexuals. Claiming to have been victimized by the Nazis just like the Jews, and Jehovah’s Witnesses and other groups murdered by the Nazis, pink triangles have swept the land, embossed on fancy stationary, upscale check books, flags, posters, stickers, shirts, pins, and on classroom doors as a “safe space” for “Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Youth,” and the like. After losing nearly all of my Jewish family in the gas chambers during World War II, and being old enough to remember that war, I was deeply disconcerted when Holocaust museums world wide advertised new exhibits alleging the Nazi mass murder of homosexuals.

One of the complaints of museum curators has been the dearth of evidence with which to document museum assertions of a Nazi animus toward homosexuals. Now, here come the authors of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams, charging that there is a reason why evidence of a fatal form of Nazi “homophobia” has been uniformly lacking.

 For Lively and Abrams instead document the homosexual movement as the agents that ensconced National Socialism (the Nazi party) and Adolf Hitler, thus triggering a holocaust which engulfed all of Europe.  (more...)

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